The personal touch of a blog; the informative touch of an article.
Be Careful What Prospect You Wish For
Here’s a quick quiz: Which prospect would you prefer meeting with? Prospect #1: Someone who has been battling with a particular problem, has finally decided to do something about it, and calls you! Prospect #2: Someone who has been battling with a particular problem,...
Win The Crowd And Win Your Presentation
When giving a presentation, there always seems to be so much to focus on. That focus can be directed into almost countless areas. For instance: What should I wear? Where should I stand? What if I get nervous? What content would be the easiest for me to deliver? What...
Making Old Stories Sound Like New Stories
I’m going to let you in on a little secret, but please don’t tell anyone. When I tell a story during a presentation, I most likely have told that story before. In fact, I may have told that story hundreds of times before. The trick is that I can’t let it seem like...
The One Block Away Rule
Here’s a quiz question for you: When is it time to talk to others about what you really feel about a conversation with a client? An easy answer would be when the client leaves the room. Having been on the wrong side of that answer on multiple occasions, I’m...
Plant A Garden – Tend A Garden
Okay, I’ll admit it. When Covid reared its ugly head, I was less than enthusiastic when customers began to inquire about my ability to conduct virtual workshops. I mean, come on! Does anyone really think we can really grab the mindshare of an...
Persistent or Pushy?
When working with others, our goal is to be persistent enough to be the first person who comes to mind when someone is considering what you have to offer. The trick is to be persistent without being pushy… Is there a difference between being persistent and being...
The More You Know, The Less You Show
There are so many unusual ironies that surround the world of selling, and one of them is the odd relationship between product knowledge, and how and when to share that product knowledge with a client. Our instinct is to try and show our clients how...
New Approaches From Traditional Wisdom
LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts April 10th, 2023 Burnout is increasingly rampant in the business world and we need new approaches, but that doesn’t mean these new approaches can’t be adapted from traditional wisdom. Author and Rabbi Matthew Ponak sits down with Rob and...
Half Done is Almost Perfect
I’ve always been a fan of the quote, “Done is perfect.” That said, I have my own version of that quote: “Half-done is almost perfect.” Apparently, not everyone agrees with me, because when I looked up synonyms for the word half-done, I saw...
For The Sake Of The Team
LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcast April 5th, 2023 Have you ever had the opportunity to witness the power of truly being part of a team? I’m not talking about random people thrown together: I mean a real team. In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I'll share with you what makes up...
Defying The Odds And Making Your Business A Success
LISTEN HERE on Apple Podcasts April 3rd, 2023 Did you know that about 90% of startups fail and 10% of them fail within the first year. About half are gone within five years. Author, coach and serial entrepreneur Brian Will sits down with Rob and tell you how those...
Enhancing What You Read
LISTEN NOW on Apple Pocasts March 29th, 2023 So often, it seems like the introduction of a new technology creates more harm than good. But when it comes to books, a new technology has been trying to make inroads into the publishing world, and the potential is amazing....
The Battle Between Instinct And Logic
It seems simple enough, and we hear it all the time. “Go with your gut,” or “Trust your instinct. The important question is really whether instinct is truly the best indicator of sound decision making. It is for most animals. A dog shakes after he gets wet, a sea...
A Lesson In Choices
LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts March 22nd, 2023 Some years ago, I took a road trip to Camp Hill, Pennsylvania to meet with a very special person. I had exchanged letters with this man for over five years, and through our conversations, I learned a lot about choices. In...
Learning From Winning And Losing In Sales
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts It’s been suggested that an overwhelming amount of customers don't do any kind of a win/loss analysis. This means they don't understand why they win business and more importantly why they are losing business. Twenty-five year sales...
Promotions Are So Yesterday!
LISTEN NOW on Apple PodcastsMarch 20th, 2023 The time-honoured tradition of defining a career development exclusively in terms of promotions, moves, and title changes is, well… dead. Don’t panic! One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 speakers, author Julie Winkle Giulioni...
It’s All In The Timing
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts Recently, I witnessed a classic mistake made by presenters... and it was made by a professional speaker. In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I’ll not only tell you what it was, and how it diminished his performance, I’ll also tell you how to...
Five Myths Of Being An Entrepreneur
LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts March 13th, 2023 I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t tell me they had a thought or two about being an entrepreneur. I’ll bet you have too! Internationally recognized facilitator and speaker, Beth Berman sits down with Rob and lays...
Are You The Least Expensive?
So, there you are, coming down the homestretch with a customer you are trying to sell, and you get to the price. That price disclosure is met with a small groan, a wince, and a tug of the chin. Let’s assume you’ve done a great job of creating urgency, and a great job...
The Perfect Combination
LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts March 8th, 2023 What does a comedy team – the greatest comedy team ever – have to do with the way you present information? The answer is everything, and in this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I’ll tell you who they are, why you should care, and...
“Rob is an expert not only in the art of influence,
but also in human nature.”
~Ken Blanchard,
coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Trust Works!