The personal touch of a blog; the informative touch of an article.
Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts One of the most knowledgeable professionals in the area of career development, and Bestselling author Dr. Beverly Kaye sits down with Rob and discusses the keys to engaging and keeping good people believes caring about people. Spoiler...
The Art Of The Giveaway
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts Figuring out an intelligent giveaway when you’re a presenter is not as easy as you might think. In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk listen in, because I’m quite confident, I can tell you how to get this little potentially important move just...
Communicating With Courage
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts It takes courage to find your voice, open up, and invite others to open up to you. Step on a stage for a presentation, or walk into a clients office with a message to deliver, and we all feel something. Author and executive coach Michelle...
A Different ABC’s of Selling
Let me set the stage for you. It’s a small sales bullpen with an all-star cast of characters. Ed Harris, Alan Arkin, Jack Lemon, Kevin Spacey, and Alec Baldwin. It’s a stormy night, and you can hear the thunder as Alec Baldwin...
The Great Equalizers; My Secret To Success
LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcatss February 22nd, 2023 What if I could provide you with two special words? These two words are so powerful that they can help you in almost any professional interaction you might find yourself in. In this Pocket Sized Pep Talks, and I’ll tell...
Courage Champions
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts Are you a champion of change? Oh, I’m sure your organizations is trying to transform its culture to be more inclusive and sensitive to diversity, but how’s that going for you? Lifetime achievement award recipient, co-author of four books...
The Art Of Aiming Your Probes
When you attempt to create trust in a conversation with others, three of the first four moves are pretty simple. You need to keep your questions open, you need to listen, and you need to avoid asking problem related questions. So, assuming you...
There’s Always A Lesson To Be Learned
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts It’s a common scenario; we develop experience in a given area, and then decide there is little else we can learn. In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I’ll tell you how this recipe for failure almost caused me to miss one of the most important...
How Salespeople Make Customers Lie
I’ve heard it a thousand times: “I ask my clients if they have any problems, which I’m pretty sure they have, and quite frankly, I think they aren’t responding truthfully.” It is amazing how many clients tells salespeople they don’t have any issues whatsoever and...
Leave Those Presentations Alone!
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts For over seven years I taught ever trainer at Xerox how to give a presentation, and have a Bestselling book on the topic in it’s 4th edition and on the shelves for over 25 years. Ah, but in this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I’ll tell how even...
From Burnout To Breakthrough
LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts January 23rd, 2023 Life doesn’t really get easier, we get stronger and more resilient... but just how resilient are you? Author, and hall of fame professional speaker Eileen McDargh sits down with Rob, discusses her book, Burnout to...
The Lost Sale That Still Haunts Me
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts Like most people who sell, I’ve had some sales I’m pretty proud of, and a few that I’d rather forget. In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I’ll tell you a story about the one client that I was unable to close… and to this day, I still think I...
Beating The Odds As A Leader
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts John Maxwell once said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” But exactly how do we train our leaders to do just that? Bestselling author, noted speaker, and leadership expert Marcia Daszko sits down with...
The End At The End
Here’s a quick question for you: What’s the most underrated part of a sales call? Let me give you a few choices: The Beginning. As the shampoo commercial states, “You only have one chance to make a first impression.” When opening up a sales...
Meeting The True Genius In Selling
LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts January 11th, 2023 There have been a lot of advances in the science of selling, but none as important as the one discovered in the late 70’s by a man I greatly admire. In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I’ll tell you a story about how even...
The Moment of Truth for Decision Making…And Selling
LISTEN HERE ON APPLE PODCASTSIf you want to influence the action of others, you need to study the process others go through when they truly consider change. Within that process is one, crucial decision point that is an Achilles...
Reclaiming Your Community with Majora Carter
Join Rob Jolles and Majora Carter on this 30 minute podcast. The subtitle says it all: "You Don't Have To Move Out Of Your Neighborhood To Live In A Better One." Peabody Award winning broadcaster and author, Majora Carter, sits...
It’s Sales Myth Busting Time
Listen Here On Apple Podcasts There isn't another profession out there that has more myths attached to it than the sales profession! CEO, podcast host, and President of the Sales Hall of Fame Bestselling Steve Benson sits down with Rob and provides a myth-busting...
Coffee’s for Closers, and Ben Gay!
In every profession, you need to be able to sell, and in every sales conversation, there comes a time when you need to close. Needless to say, this represents a critical moment between you and your prospect. 50 year sales professional, and author of 25 books, the...
Clear Beats Clever
Here’s a quick, rhetorical question for you; how do you like the title of this BLArticle®? I’m assuming that it may have created a little bit of curiosity, but more importantly, I’m hoping that this title gave you a good idea of what this piece was about....
“Rob is an expert not only in the art of influence,
but also in human nature.”
~Ken Blanchard,
coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Trust Works!