The Times They Are A-Changin’

I’m a talker.  No news there. I’m from a family of talkers.  Bump into anyone who came from the Jolles clan and you won’t question that statement either. I love teaching, motivating, and inspiring people, and I have been doing it for almost 40 years now.  I have no...

The Can’t Miss Holiday

I’m a New Year’s Eve man.  No doubt about it, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.  What can you say about New Years Eve that isn’t positive?  Christmas is a wonderful holiday, but not everyone celebrates Christmas.  The same could be said for Kwanzaa, Bodhi Day, Hanukah,...

I’ll Try vs. I Will

When you ask someone to do something, one of two answers are usually heard:  “I’ll try” or “I will.”  At first glance, these two responses sound a lot alike.  After all, aren’t we taught to always try, or try real hard or try our best?  Yes, it seems pretty easy to...

Courage Champions

Listen Here On Apple Podcasts Are you a champion of change? Oh, I’m sure your organizations is trying to transform its culture to be more inclusive and sensitive to diversity, but how’s that going for you? Lifetime achievement award recipient, co-author of four books...