Controlling The Narrative Of Your Dreams

The other day, I was watching a television show with my wife and a commercial came on.  It showed some little girls playing with their dolls, and I noticed my wife, who typically dislikes commercials, was smiling.  When I asked her about it, I was surprised at her...

Thank Goodness It’s… Wednesday?

As a kid, I remember looking forward to Fridays.  Although you had to work your way through the day, you knew that, at the end of that day, the weekend would begin! I think I probably had a kind of pep in my step, since I knew that fun was only hours away. ...

Motion Is Lotion

Although I liked playing in pools, I never took swimming all that seriously until I entered my 30’s.  At that point, I fell in love with swimming long distances, and did just that week after week, month after month, and year after year. I never swam less than a mile...

The Can’t Miss Holiday

I’m a New Year’s Eve man.  No doubt about it, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.  What can you say about New Years Day that isn’t positive?  Christmas is a wonderful holiday, but not everyone celebrates Christmas.  The same could be said for Kwanzaa, Bodhi Day, Hanukah,...

That’s EnterTrainment™!

Now, more than ever, it’s important to not just speak, but speak well, and that often means incorporating an element of entertainment.  After all, when our communications are not face-to-face, it’s a whole lot more difficult to hold the attention of those we are...