The Value of Ringwork

It’s often said, “If you want to get good at something, teach it.”  I can’t disagree with that statement, but it does raise a question: Exactly where, and how, do you teach it so you can get good at something? I’ve always been a bit jealous of comedians because they...

Inside Voice – Outside Voice

We all possess an inside voice and an outside voice, and each serves a purpose. When we get the two mixed up, we get ourselves in trouble.  First, let me explain exactly what I mean by the two voices. When most think of an inside voice, they relate it to the actual...

Bringing The Heat From New York To Moscow

On paper, I suppose some presentations seem more important than others.  You could argue that some presentations are easier than others.  Clearly, some are better compensated than others.  Now, guess which presentation counts more than others?  It’s an important...