I’m a New Year’s Eve man.  No doubt about it, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.  What can you say about New Years Eve that isn’t positive?  Christmas is a wonderful holiday, but not everyone celebrates Christmas.  The same could be said for Kwanzaa, Bodhi Day, Hanukah, Festivus, and many more.  All wonderful days for those who celebrate… but not holidays for everyone.

Then there’s New Years Eve.  I’ve always called it, “The Can’t Miss Holiday.”  That’s because there are only two scenarios that can present themselves on this holiday:

  • Scenario #1. The present year has not been a good year.  Perhaps the year has been difficult professionally, or personally.  The New Year symbolically signals it’s over; it’s behind you; it’s done.  Remember 2009?  The financial industry and speakers like me that work with them sure do.  How about that thing called a “pandemic?”  I don’t remember a whole lot of businesses that were flourishing.  I, for one, could not wait to have those long, long years to come to an end.  Eventually they did.  Somehow, moving to another year presented a clean start.  It provided a psychological boost.
  • Scenario #2. The present year has been a good year. Perhaps the year has been a successful year professionally, or personally.  The New Year may symbolically signal it’s over, but why would that be disappointing?  Most people I know who are coming off a strong year can’t wait to get at the next one!

Want to make some New Year’s resolutions?  Good for you, and even better if you set goals you have a realistic opportunity to meet.  How you celebrate New Years Eve is up to you.  Drink, think, dine, wine, or sleep the night away; it’s irrelevant to me.  My wish for you is this: Regardless of the year you are wrapping up, learn from it.  Was it a great year?  Ask yourself why, and commit yourself to not just repeating it, but improving upon it.  Was it a difficult year?  Ask yourself why, and commit yourself to problem solving your way to a solution that makes sense.

For some, it’s just another day on the calendar, but for people like me, it’s far more.  It’s a clean slate for a new year; a year full of possibilities.  It’s a chance to reflect on what’s worked and what hasn’t.  It’s inclusive and it provides an important moment for us all to simply stop and think.  Enjoy the opportunity to make 2025 your best year yet!  Happy New Year!


If you follow me on LinkedIn, and I sure hope you do, https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-jolles-8a459b12/  I recently started a newsletter!  It’s called, “When Every Word Matters,” a biweekly dose of tips, tactics, and techniques to boost your communication game!  If you aren’t connected with me on LinkedIn, reach out!  https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-jolles



You don’t have to be a professional speaker to…

Speak Like A Pro!

– Maybe you’re a corporate trainer who wants to sharpen your skills.
– Maybe you’re a corporate officer who wants to inspire those around you.
– Maybe you just want to get over your fear of speaking, and add, “Dominate a speaking opportunity” to your bucket list!

Our previous program sold-out, but we’re going to be putting another one up on the calendar soon.  In it, I will be delivering a series of three, virtual workshops designed to help you Speak Like A Pro!   In this program, I will be covering the following:

  • Workshop 1: The Nuts & Bolts of Delivery. There are a lot of people who speak, but professional speakers are in a class by themselves.  When a professional speaker gives presentations, the expectations of the audience are sky-high.  The presentation can’t just be good; it has to be amazing.  Where, exactly, do we learn how to be amazing?  In this half-day workshop, we’ll learn a variety of techniques applicable to both keynote deliveries and workshop deliveries to make your presentations great!
  • Workshop 2: Applying “Sauce” to your Deliveries. Giving a professional presentation is like cooking a meal.  No matter how well you cook any dish, the sauce is what ultimately provides the flavor and enhances the experience.  In fact, it’s the sauce that elevates the dish from a meal to a memory.  In this half-day workshop, we’ll put away the cooking aprons, and look at ways to spice up the presentations you deliver!
  • Workshop 3: Presentation Delivery, Feedback, & Coaching.  This personal coaching session will be designed by the participants.  Topics can include, but are not limited to:
  • Film study breaking down existing delivery footage.
  • Workshop adjustment, creation & brainstorming.
  • Keynote adjustment, creation & brainstorming.
  • Book marketing on a budget.
  • Flushing out business ideas.
  • Business consulting.

Seasoned veteran?  I don’t need to tell you there’s always more to learn. Novice? I’m ready for you too!

For program dates, a full agenda of each session, and pricing options, reach out to training@jolles.com