Your Outlook CAN Improve Your Luck!

A Tale of Two Stories Story #1… Last week, the travel Gods really stuck it to me good.  I showed up at O’Hare airport at 6:00 pm, and I found out that my 7:00 pm flight back to National Airport was running thirty minutes late.  This was due to thunderstorm activity. ...

Start With Something, Nothing, Anything… Just Start!

How many times have you heard someone say something like this: “I know I need to get this started, but I just want to make sure I’m ready.”  I hear that from those who have dreamed of writing a book.  I hear it from those who have dreamed of starting a podcast.  I...

Everybody Has A Story…

There are few things that are indisputable when trying to learn about another individual.  It all begins with trust.  Here’s what I know to be true: No one is going to open up to another individual if they don’t trust him or her. Trust is earned. Trust is earned by...

The Three Magic Words That Simplify Closing

At the tender age of 21, I began my career in selling at New York Life.  I found that just hearing the word, “close,” sent chills through me.  It’s one thing to sit and talk to a prospect, but it’s quite another thing to know that, at some point in the conversation, I...