The One Block Away Rule

The One Block Away Rule

Here’s a quiz question for you:  When is it time to talk to others about what you really feel about a conversation with a client?  An easy answer would be when the client leaves the room. Having been on the wrong side of that answer on multiple occasions, I’m...

It’s All In The Timing

Listen Here On Apple Podcasts Recently, I witnessed a classic mistake made by presenters… and it was made by a professional speaker. In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I’ll not only tell you what it was, and how it diminished his performance, I’ll also tell you how...

The Art Of The Giveaway

Listen Here On Apple Podcasts Figuring out an intelligent giveaway when you’re a presenter is not as easy as you might think. In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk listen in, because I’m quite confident, I can tell you how to get this little potentially important move just...