Emotional Momentum

We all want to move forward and achieve our goals, but frequently we are blocked by our inability to begin.  Try as we might, we just can’t gain any momentum.  I’m not referring to physical momentum – something we see in a science experiment.  Strike a cue ball,...

Ask Me About…

Isn’t it interesting how guarded we tend to be when it comes to letting others know about personal challenges that require courage? Fear of failure is a mighty foe, but letting others in on our tryst with failure requires even more courage. Well, I’m here to convince...

The Art Of The Spiel

Typically, we talk too much, we listen too little, and we tend to overwhelm others with our vast array of knowledge. That’s neither persuasive nor pleasant. It’s not a secret that I’m not a fan of product pitches. We’re led to believe that, by mastering our ability to...

Just Tell The Truth

One of the biggest challenges any of us can face is simply to be believed. We need to be believable for our significant others, our friends, our bosses, our coworkers, and our clients. As a matter of fact, the scenarios that would require the need to be believed are...