And Now, The Rest Of The Story

Born in Oklahoma, and the son of a policeman, Paul Aurandt started making radios while attending high school.  His teacher was very impressed with his voice, and helped him get a job at a local radio station.  It wasn’t long before he was reading...

Mental Movement

As we continue to find our way through the world of virtual delivery, one thing remains consistent:  Adults do not like sitting for long periods of time… period!  Exactly how long adults can sit for in a training situation is constantly being debated, but it’s safe to...

Be Strong… But Not Too Strong!

A few years ago, I was working on some branding ideas and training materials for a client when something caught my eye.  Although I’m usually focused and dialed in during meetings, I couldn’t get past the odd distraction that kept pulling me away from our...

Don’t Just Tell A Story: Land It!

One of the hottest topics in selling, or professional speaking, is story telling.  After all, when you tell a good story, you can make your key point more memorable.  As a matter of fact, it’s over twenty times more memorable than just presenting facts!...

Righting A Wrong

I’ve preached the following words for years: When you’re having a conversation with someone, the more the other person speaks, the more trust they’ll have in you.  This is also true of an audience, and the best way to accomplish this task is to ask questions of your...

Teach Something Challenging

I’m sure you’ve heard this saying: “If you want to learn something, teach it.” Well, I’d like to add something to that saying: “If you want to learn something, teach it, and if you want to learn how to become a great teacher, teach something that’s challenging!” When...