Inside Voice – Outside Voice

We all possess an inside voice and an outside voice, and each serves a purpose. When we get the two mixed up, we get ourselves in trouble.  First, let me explain exactly what I mean by the two voices. When most think of an inside voice, they relate it to the actual...

Want To Sell Well? Think Like A Four-Year Old

During my career, I’ve been blessed with the good fortune of meeting many of the most amazing sales minds out there. Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, Neil Rackham, and many more.  I didn’t just shake their hands; I read their books, read their articles, listened to their...
The Best Move In Objection Handling

The Best Move In Objection Handling

Spoiler Alert: You don’t need to say a thing! Everyone experiences objections when selling.  It’s a natural step of the selling process.  You need to hear the questions your prospect wants answered, and you need to answer those questions without talking too much when...
Be Careful What Prospect You Wish For

Be Careful What Prospect You Wish For

Here’s a quick quiz: Which prospect would you prefer meeting with? Prospect #1: Someone who has been battling with a particular problem, has finally decided to do something about it, and calls you! Prospect #2: Someone who has been battling with a particular problem,...