Plant A Garden – Tend A Garden

Plant A Garden – Tend A Garden

Okay, I’ll admit it.  When Covid reared its ugly head, I was less than enthusiastic when customers began to inquire about my ability to conduct virtual workshops.  I mean, come on!  Does anyone really think we can really grab the mindshare of an...
Persistent or Pushy?

Persistent or Pushy?

When working with others, our goal is to be persistent enough to be the first person who comes to mind when someone is considering what you have to offer.   The trick is to be persistent without being pushy… Is there a difference between being persistent and being...

Learning From Winning And Losing In Sales

Listen Here On Apple Podcasts It’s been suggested that an overwhelming amount of customers don’t do any kind of a win/loss analysis. This means they don’t understand why they win business and more importantly why they are losing business. Twenty-five year...

Are You The Least Expensive?

So, there you are, coming down the homestretch with a customer you are trying to sell, and you get to the price. That price disclosure is met with a small groan, a wince, and a tug of the chin.  Let’s assume you’ve done a great job of creating urgency, and a great job...

A Different ABC’s of Selling

Let me set the stage for you.  It’s a small sales bullpen with an all-star cast of characters.  Ed Harris, Alan Arkin, Jack Lemon, Kevin Spacey, and Alec Baldwin.  It’s a stormy night, and you can hear the thunder as Alec Baldwin...