Enhancing What You Read

LISTEN NOW on Apple Pocasts March 29th, 2023 So often, it seems like the introduction of a new technology creates more harm than good. But when it comes to books, a new technology has been trying to make inroads into the publishing world, and the potential is amazing....

The Battle Between Instinct And Logic

It seems simple enough, and we hear it all the time.  “Go with your gut,” or “Trust your instinct. The important question is really whether instinct is truly the best indicator of sound decision making. It is for most animals. A dog shakes after he gets wet, a sea...

Promotions Are So Yesterday!

LISTEN NOW on Apple PodcastsMarch 20th, 2023 The time-honoured tradition of defining a career development exclusively in terms of promotions, moves, and title changes is, well… dead. Don’t panic! One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 speakers, author Julie Winkle Giulioni...

Five Myths Of Being An Entrepreneur

LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts March 13th, 2023 I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t tell me they had a thought or two about being an entrepreneur. I’ll bet you have too! Internationally recognized facilitator and speaker, Beth Berman sits down with Rob and lays...

The Perfect Combination

LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts March 8th, 2023 What does a comedy team – the greatest comedy team ever – have to do with the way you present information? The answer is everything, and in this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I’ll tell you who they are, why you should care, and...