Enhancing What You Read

LISTEN NOW on Apple Pocasts March 29th, 2023 So often, it seems like the introduction of a new technology creates more harm than good. But when it comes to books, a new technology has been trying to make inroads into the publishing world, and the potential is amazing....

The Battle Between Instinct And Logic

It seems simple enough, and we hear it all the time.  “Go with your gut,” or “Trust your instinct. The important question is really whether instinct is truly the best indicator of sound decision making. It is for most animals. A dog shakes after he gets wet, a sea...

A Lesson In Choices

LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts March 22nd, 2023 Some years ago, I took a road trip to Camp Hill, Pennsylvania to meet with a very special person. I had exchanged letters with this man for over five years, and through our conversations, I learned a lot about choices. In...

Learning From Winning And Losing In Sales

Listen Here On Apple Podcasts It’s been suggested that an overwhelming amount of customers don’t do any kind of a win/loss analysis. This means they don’t understand why they win business and more importantly why they are losing business. Twenty-five year...