Your Slide Deck Tells A Tale

At the risk of sounding a bit arrogant, I’m going to make the following statement: All I need to see is your slide deck, and I will learn what I need to know about your presentation and how you’ll do as a presenter. I told you I might come off a little boastful, but...

The Detergent That Destroyed A Sales Process

I’m sure I spend too much time singing the praises of Xerox, but decades ago, there was no other company that could touch the quality of the sales training they offered.  Xerox seemed to have a process for everything; how to open a call, how to close a call, how to...

How Do You Talk To You?

Take a moment and think about the last time someone you knew well mustered up the courage to ask you for help. No doubt, you displayed kindness, and probably empathy as well.  As a matter of fact, my guess is that these behaviors came naturally to you because you...

The Truth Behind Sales Scripts

The use of scripts is one of the oldest techniques taught to sales people in how to sell. In my sales career, I had to learn three scripts. The first was a fairly short, punchy one from New York Life called, “The Hundred Man Story.”  It tracked the typical...