Five Myths Of Being An Entrepreneur

LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts March 13th, 2023 I’m not sure I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t tell me they had a thought or two about being an entrepreneur. I’ll bet you have too! Internationally recognized facilitator and speaker, Beth Berman sits down with Rob and lays...

The Perfect Combination

LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts March 8th, 2023 What does a comedy team – the greatest comedy team ever – have to do with the way you present information? The answer is everything, and in this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I’ll tell you who they are, why you should care, and...

The Great Equalizers; My Secret To Success

LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcatss February 22nd, 2023 What if I could provide you with two special words? These two words are so powerful that they can help you in almost any professional interaction you might find yourself in. In this Pocket Sized Pep Talks, and I’ll tell...

Courage Champions

Listen Here On Apple Podcasts Are you a champion of change? Oh, I’m sure your organizations is trying to transform its culture to be more inclusive and sensitive to diversity, but how’s that going for you? Lifetime achievement award recipient, co-author of four books...

From Burnout To Breakthrough

LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts January 23rd, 2023 Life doesn’t really get easier, we get stronger and more resilient… but just how resilient are you? Author, and hall of fame professional speaker Eileen McDargh sits down with Rob, discusses her book, Burnout to...