Courage Champions

Listen Here On Apple Podcasts Are you a champion of change? Oh, I’m sure your organizations is trying to transform its culture to be more inclusive and sensitive to diversity, but how’s that going for you? Lifetime achievement award recipient, co-author of four books...

From Burnout To Breakthrough

LISTEN NOW on Apple Podcasts January 23rd, 2023 Life doesn’t really get easier, we get stronger and more resilient… but just how resilient are you? Author, and hall of fame professional speaker Eileen McDargh sits down with Rob, discusses her book, Burnout to...

Beating The Odds As A Leader

Listen Here On Apple Podcasts John Maxwell once said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” But exactly how do we train our leaders to do just that? Bestselling author, noted speaker, and leadership expert Marcia Daszko sits down with...

Breathe With It

I suppose you could call me an exercise nut.  I swim, I lift, I spin, I elliptical, I step, I run, and I even practice yoga.  It’s the yoga that’s the newest to me, and yoga seems to intrigue me the most.  I usually don’t enter into...